FIAMC Bio-Medical Ethics Centre Mumbai INDIA

(FIAMC: Federation Internationale des Associations Medical Catholique)
The FIAMC Bio-Medical Ethics Centre [FBMEC] was established in Bombay in September 1981 to study and debate the ethical status of various actions - experimental, diagnostic or therapeutic - in the bio-medical field within the ethic of culture, religion and the modern secular state. MORE

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees
His Eminence, Cardinal Oswald Gracias (Patron),
Bishop Percival Fernandez (Trustee),
Dr. Nicholas Antao (Managing Trustee),
Adv. Joaquim Reis (Addl. Managing Trustee),
Dr. Rouen Mascarenhas (Secretary),
Dr. Cedric Moraes (Treasurer),
Dr. Armida Fernandez (Trustee),
Dr. Enid Prabhu (Trustee),
Dr. Giselle Paes (Trustee),
Dr.Egbert Saldanha (Trustee),
Dr. C.J. Vas (Founder Member, Emeritus).

Executive Director:
Fr. Stephen Fernandes